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English Sentence Completion – WB Primary TET Practice Set – 3

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English Sentence Completion - WB Primary TET Practice Set - 3
English Sentence Completion – WB Primary TET Practice Set – 3

English Sentence Completion – WB Primary TET Practice Set – 3

1. Even at the risk of economic loss, he………. Refused to take the beaten track

A. Repeatedly
B. Often
C. Regularly
D. Continuously

Ans.  D. Continuously

2. I request you to………Your crime

A. Apologise
B. Agree
C. Confess
D. Pardon

Ans.  C. Confess

3. He applied for and was………..Legal aid by the Labour Ministry

A. Offered
B. Granted
C. Allowed
D. Awarded

Ans.  B. Granted

4. We must……………The tickets for the movie in advance

A. Draw
B. Buy
C. Remove
D. Take

Ans.  B. Buy

5. Since the road was closed for repairs he took the……….

A. Deviation
B. Digression
C. Diversion
D. Divergence

Ans.  C. Diversion

6. Babita …………A sum of Rs. 200 out of the bank  every Monday

A. Extracts
B. Draws
C. Obtains
D. Pulls

Ans.  B. Draws

7. Since one can not read every book, one should be content with making a…………. Selection

A. Normal
B. Standard
C. Sample
D. Moderate

Ans.  D. Moderate

8. Sultan is too………….As far as his food habits are concerned

A. Enjoyable
B. Fastidious
C. Curious
D. Involved

Ans.  B. Fastidious

9. There is no doubt that one has to keep…………With the changing times

A. Aside
B. Oneself
C. Pace
D. Himself

Ans.  C. Pace

10.waking at three o’clock, I heard the ………….Of thunder

A. Blank
B. Crackle
C. Rumble
D. Ripple

Ans.  C. Rumble

11. Bikash was…………With a serious crime

A. Convicted
B. Accused
C. Condemned
D. Charged

Ans. D. Charged

12. His father-in-law ……………Him up in business

A. Made
B. Put
C. Built
D. Set

Ans.  D. Set

13. The villagers…………..The death of their leader by keeping all the shops closed

A. Announced
B. Protested
C. Mourned
D. Consoled

Ans.  C. Mourned

14. A large crowd used to……………Listen to his speech

A. Follow
B. Gather
C. Deliver
D. Collect

Ans.  D. Collect

15. Man power is the………….Means of convert ing other resources to mankind’s use and benefit

A. Insuperable
B. Ini mitabe
C. Indivisible
D. Indispensable

Ans.  D. Indispensable

16. The poor ones continue to………..Out a loving inspite of economic liberalisation in that country

A. Find
B. Go
C. Eke
D. Bring

Ans.  C. Eke

17. …………….Eye witnesses, the news reporter gave a graphic description of how the five broke

A. Reporting
B. Observing
C. Seeing
D. Quoting

Ans.  D. Quoting

18. The teacher ordered Kamal to leave the room and………..Him to return

A. Stopped
B. Refuse
C. Forbade
D. Challenged

Ans.  C. Forbade

19. Inspite of our best efforts, we failed to…………Any new facts from him

A. Elicit
B. Evoke
C. Eject
D. Enlist

Ans.  A. Elicit

20. Have you heard the……….News?

A. Late
B. Later
C. Latest
D. Latter

Ans.  C. Latest

21. The…………. To distinguish differences is the basis of science and art

A. Power
B. Tact
C. Strength
D. Wisdom

Ans.  D. Wisdom

22. How do you expect that country to progress when her government is corrupt,…………….And still largely faisal?

A. Devalue
B. Dwindling
C. Despotic
D. De meaning

Ans.  C. Despotic

23. The speaker did not properly use the time as he want on……………..On one point alone

A. Dilating
B. Reciting
C. Deliberating
D. Diluting

Ans.  C. Deliberating

24. Everyone should ……….. Himself against illness since medical care has now become expensive

A. Vaccinate
B. Insure
C. Brace
D. Ensure

Ans.  B. Insure

25. He admired precision in everything, but it never hampered his quick…………

A. Finalisation
B. Dealing
C. Action
D. Decision

Ans.  D. Decision

26.  The poor fellow can’t even afford daily food, ………..Alone buying a house

A. Cast
B. Forget
C. Let
D. Leave

Ans.  D. Leave

27. I listened, but I had no idea what he was…………. About

A. Saying
B. Telling
C. Talking
D. Discussing

Ans. C. Talking

28. My father keeps all his………….Papers in a lock and key

A. Required
B. Necessary
C. Useful
D. Confidential

Ans.  D. Confidential

29. His most striking………….Is the enthusiasm which he brings to everything he does

A. Character
B. Factor
C. Characteristic
D. Attitude

Ans.  C. Characteristic

30. The music for Asiad was……………By Pandit Ravi Shankar

A. Displayed
B. Composed
C. Demonstrated
D. Made

Ans.  B. Composed

31. The children were eagerly waiting to eat a…………Cake

A. Dedicate
B. Saint
C. Appetising
D. Delicious

Ans.  D. Delicious

32. The more your action and thought are allied and……………, The happier you

A. Invincible
B. Divergent
C. Interested
D. Unravelled

Ans.  C. Interested

33. After a recent mild paralytic, his movements are …………… Restricted, otherwise he is still very active

A. Entirely
B. No where
C. Not
D. Slightly

Ans.  D. Slightly

34. He has…………. People visiting him at his house because he fears it will cause discomfort to neighbours

A. Curtailed
B. Requested
C. Stopped
D. Warned

Ans.  C. Stopped

35. A restaurant that present spick and span look will naturally…………..More customers

A. Accomodate
B. Invite
C. Avoid
D. Attract

Ans.  D. Attract

36. You cannot devise a method which………….All possibility of error

A. Ignores
B. Avoids
C. Excludes
D. Includes

Ans.  C. Excludes

37. The doctor gave the woman a…………. To calm her down

A. Tonic
B. Sedative
C. Antiseptic
D. Antidote

Ans.  B. Sedative

38. The passengers and crew members of the aeroplane had a………….. Escape when it was taking of from the runway

A. Narrow
B. Large
C. Little
D. Brief

Ans.  A. Narrow

39. The ties that bind a family together are so…………That they can hardly withstand any strain

A. Tenacious
B. Twisted
C. Tenuous
D. Tentative

Ans.  C. Tenuous

40. I tried to give him some good advice but he………..To listen

A. Prevented
B. Avoided
C. Refused
D. Denied

Ans.  C. Refused

41. He was an……….Who was fond of weird pets

A. Ambitious
B. Amiable
C. Eccentric
D. Emotional

Ans.  C. Eccentric

42. Parliamentary democracy demands discipline and……………To the rules

A. Adherence
B. Obligation
C. Subjection
D. Liability

Ans.  A. Adherence

43. The river overflowed its………… And flooded the area

A. Banks
B. Limits
C. Edges
D. Fronts

Ans.  A. Banks

44. We had a………… Of warm weather in February

A. Phase
B. Length
C. Spell
D. Time

Ans.  C. Spell

45. He was able to…………His small income by working in a hotel at night

A. Amplify
B. Supplement
C. Expand
D. Multiply

Ans.  B. Supplement

46. It was…………..That a mind so pure and searching could miss the truth

A. Likely
B. Unlikely
C. Possibly
D. Scarcely

Ans.  B. Unlikely

47. A relief team was sent to………….Food and medicine among the refugees

A. Sanction
B. Distribute
C. Contribute
D. Separate

Ans.  B. Distribute

48. Prospective candidates have to prove that they have sufficient money to cover their…………… And tuition

A. Boarding
B. Lodging
C. Sustenance
D. Maintenance

Ans.  A. Boarding

49. The lovers were meeting each other secretly, but their …………..Affair was soon known to everyone

A. Clandestine
B. Candid
C. Unknown
D. Covert

Ans.  A. Clandestine

50. After reaching New York, Ravi will have to………. Himself of the new surroundings

A. Mix
B. Develop
C. Submit
D. Adapt

Ans.  D. Adapt

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